Untitled Document

Partnership Fund Projects


Province Sindh
Partner: Sustainable Development Foundation (Non Government Organization) 
Theme: Conservation of Habitat
Dates: 1/2010 – 12/2011
Grant Category: Medium
Project Status: Satisfactorily completed

This project is being implemented by the Sustainable Development Foundation with the financial support of Partnership Fund at 10 villages of Chotiari Reservoir district Sanghar with the objectives of

(i) rehabilitating Chotiari Wetlands Complex rangelands with community based rangeland management practices;

(ii) improving population status of targeted 8 flora species (those species include Octhocloa campresa (Gandheer), Dactyloctenium (Mandhano),  Panecum antidotale (Gharam/Ghirano), P turgedum (Bhoro), Aristida funiculate (Lanbh Gah), Cenchrus ciliaris (Dhamanio/Sitti), Eragrostis (Bubrio gah/pucher Gah) and  Leptothrium senegalensa (Paperi Gah) in around 100 sq. kilometers rangeland exists at northern edges of Chotiari Reservoir;

(iii) improving livelihood & community food security situation by introducing backyard gardening and

(iv) rehabilitating degraded habitats for wildlife growth and biodiversity conservationthrough Rangeland Conservation & Demonstration Station (RC&D) activities and involving local community.

Key achievements:
Improved health of rangelands of around 100 sq kilometers exists at northern edges of Chotiari Reservoir; improved rangeland management practices in the area; improved health of livestock with increased family income and reduced poverty in the targeted area; increased population status of targeted 10 flora species in the area of rangeland; increased population of wildlife and improved biodiversity in and around Chotiari Wetlands Complex ecosystem and increased community care for wildlife



Untitled Document Publications