Untitled Document

Partnership Fund Projects


Province Sindh
Partner: Sangat Development Foundation (Non Government Organization)
Theme: Conservation of Habitat
Dates: 1/2010 – 6/2011
Grant Category: Medium
Project Status: Satisfactorily completed

This project is being implemented by Sangat Development Foundation (SDF) with the financial support of Partnership Fund at Deh Akro II declared as Wildlife Sanctuary and Ramsar on 5th November 2002. Project aimed at contributing to biodiversity conservation and sustainable wetland management through community participation. The specific objectives of the project are

(i) mobilizing and organizing the local communities for community based wetland management and biodiversity conservation,

(ii) building the skills and capacities of the local communities for implementing Community based Wetland Management and

(iii) rehabilitating the wetland environment

Key achievements:
3000 population of 10 villages is aware on the importance of biodiversity conservation and wetland management; local stakeholders and District government and its line departments are fully sensitized  on the importance of wetland and its sustainable management; improved knowledge and technical capacity of local community for sustainable wetland management and biodiversity conservation; developed safe wildlife habitats for the endangered species; formed Wetland Protection Committee (WPC) at wetland sites consist upon local community, elected representative and notable persons and 200 women are aware about the Health and Hygiene.



Untitled Document Publications