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News & Events

31 August 2008
Exposure visit to Sonmiani

The Programme Implementation Unit, Pai Forest organized an exposure visit to Karachi and Sonmiani for the community members of the surrounding areas. The visit took place on 30-31 August 2008. 28 participants, out of which 10 were females, and 15 males from different CBOs of the area took part in the visit. On the first day, the participants visited an exhibition at Expo Centre, Karachi in which the Indus for All Programme also set up a stall of community-made products.

On the second day, the participating community members were taken to WWF-Pakistan’s Wetland Centre at Sandspit, Karachi where they were briefed about the area and the initiatives taken by WWF-Pakistan in collaboration with local communities to conserve natural resources such as mangroves and marine turtles.

Later on, the participants went to Sonmiani where they were welcomed by the representatives of SDO, a local CBOs. Mr. Abdul Rasheed of the CBO briefed them about the initiatives such as mangrove plantation, eco-tourism centre and other interventions. They also visited the mangrove forest area situated nearby. The community members were also taken to Dam Bunder area where Mohammad Anwar of SSDCN, a local CBO, welcomed and briefed them about their initiatives in the area. The CBO representatives also gave detailed answers to the questions regarding these interventions asked by the visiting community members from Nawabshah.

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