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News & Events

29 August 2007
Indus for All Programme Launched
To mark the start of a long-term ecoregion programme for conservation of the Indus Ecoregion, the formal launch ceremony of the Indus for All Programme was held on Wednesday, 29 August 2007

The Indus Ecoregion Programme The Indus Ecoregion Programme is an ambitious long-term (2005-2055) initiative of
the World Wide Fund for Nature – Pakistan (WWF-P) and the Government of Sindh to address poverty and natural resource degradation in the Indus Ecoregion. The Indus Ecoregion lies in the southern part of Pakistan in Sindh province and harbours a diverse range of biodiversity from deltaic along the Indus and desert areas in the
periphery. The failure of previous disconnected short-term poverty reduction and natural resource management projects has raised the need for a long-term vision and framework that integrates the existing efforts of all stakeholders and results in comprehensive solutions leading to sustainable management of the Indus Ecoregion.
The development phase of the Indus Ecoregion Programme was funded by the Royal Netherlands Embassy (RNE), WWF’s Living Waters Programme (LWP) and WWF’s Asia-Pacific Programme.
The Indus Ecoregion Programme is the culmination of a decade-long struggle by WWFPakistan in collaboration with a wide spectrum of stakeholders from the Federal Government, Government of Sindh, civil society organisations,community-based organisations, academia, local communities and conservation experts from the WWF
network. A continuous national and international consultative process from 2002-2004 led to the development of a 50-year vision for the Indus Ecoregion complemented by 10-20 year targets and 3-5 year milestones.

Deatial Report :Indus for All Programme's
Launch Report

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