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News & Events

March 29, 2010:

Exposure visit for key stakeholder representatives to Sundarbans, Banladesh

The Indus for All Programme organized an exposure visit for a group of six journalists along with a senior officer of the Sindh Forest Department and three Programme staff to Sundarbans Bangladesh during 23 to 29 March 2010. The visit aimed at providing the Programme’s key stakeholders an exposure to another deltaic ecosystem so that they can understand the issues of the Indus Delta in comparison with that of the Sundarbans.

The weeklong visit comprised of two parts: a) meetings with various organizations in Bangladesh, working on natural resource management especially in Sundarbans such as Forest Department; Integrated Protected Areas Co-management Project (IPAC) of Forest Department; Bangladesh Cetacean Diversity Project (BCDP), Tiger Project of the Wildlife Trust of Bangladesh (WTB) and Forum of the Environmental Journalists of Bangladesh (FEJB). b) trip to two wildlife sanctuaries and numerous rivers and creeks of Sundarbans and meeting with local fishermen communities in Sundarbans.

During both the consultations and field visits the participants learned about various aspects of a deltaic ecosystem such as flow of freshwater from rivers into the delta, sea intrusion, climate change effects, protected areas management, land use patterns, community rights in forest resources etc.

At the end of the visit participants realized that how a deltaic ecosystem can be maintained and what they have lost in the Indus Delta. After return from the visit the journalists wrote several articles in various newspapers comparing both the deltaic ecosystem.


For further Information:

Muhammad Zafar Khan
, Manager Communications and Environmental Education
Contact: 0300-3495901
, email: zafar.hilbi@gmail.com





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