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News & Events

June 25, 2010

Indus for All Programme launches documentary ‘Flowing Indus Forever’, Study on Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Better Management Practices Manuals

Hyderabad, 25 June, 2010: Environmentalists, conservationists, agriculture and wildlife experts and members of civil society organisation have underlined the need for protection and preservation of fast depleting natural resources and rich biodiversity of Sindh, which is faced with multi-faceted risks.

Speaking at the launching ceremony documentary “Flowing Indus River Forever”, Study on “Traditional Ecological Knowledge” and “Better Management Practices Manuals for Cotton & Wheat’, organised by Indus for All Programme- WWF, they said that the risks have already caused a massive damage to the overall environment of the province, which cannot be rolled back; however, steps should be taken to save the environment and biodiversity from further damage.They also said there is a strong need to raise mass awareness about significance of the province’s rich biodiversity and their natural benefits on the environment and the people.”

Dr. Iqbal Panhwar, Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Sindh, Mirpurkhas campus lauded the publications on BMPs, which were need of the hour. He hoped that this material, which aims at improved cultivation practices, would benefit the growers in form of rise in per acre yield. “The BMPs publications are practical guides, from which the farmers should benefit as much as possible,” he said.

Renowned scholar Prof. Qalandar Shah said that ecological folk knowledge is asset that should be preserved for our coming generation and spread to persuade people to play their role in protection of natural resources including forests. “Our forests are fast chopped down by some unscrupulous elements, causing irreversible damage to environment and wildlife. Because of unchecked tree cutting different specieis of wildlife has become extinct and birds are a major victim of this illegal activity. However, WWF – P’s efforts geared towards halting such acts through awareness-raising activities and material are worth appreciation and are already helping in bringing about a positive results, ” he said.

President Sindh Abadgar Board, Mr. Abdul Majeed Nizamani, said agriculture productivity of the province remains stagnant due to poor cultivation techniques. Unnecessarily increased use of chemicals in farming lands has eroded the agricultural ecology, which he blamed on lack of awareness about better farming practices among the farmers, he pointed out. “However, these publication of WWF – P on better management practices (BMPs) will help farming community to improve their cultivation practices for achievement increased agriculture productivity, he said.

Mr. Rab Nawaz Director NRM WWF said that two manuals on Better Management Practices (BMPs) for Wheat and Cotton in Sindhi would promote sustainable farming to support the livelihoods of poor communities. The manuals would be useful source for the farmers, agriculturists and academicians as a guideline for pest control, integrated water management and reducing pollution by decreasing the amount of fertilizer and pesticides used in wheat and cotton production.

Mr. Nasir Ali Panhwar, Programme Coordinator Indus for All Programme of WWF – P said the Sindh province is bestowed with rich fauna and flora, some of them unique. Unfortunately, some of them have already vanished and found nowhere because of unhealthy human activities and attitude towards environment. “Our these latest environmental education material launched today is aimed at turning around such unhealthy attitude of the people towards environment so as to check environmental degradation and reduce pressure on the depleting natural resources,” he remarked.

Highlighting importance of the documentary and publications, Dr Altaf Abro, Manager Conservation, WWF – P, said that the video documentary and materials will be of great help in spreading ecological folk knowledge among the people, which is important to involve them in protecting and conserving environment and the natural resources. Nawaz Kunbhar and others also spoke.

Earlier, a video documentary “Flowing Indus Forever” was shown the programme’s participants, who appreciated the documentary, which highlights various aspects Indus Ecoregion.

Large number of people representing government, civil society organizations, academia, media attended the ceremony.

For further Information:

Muhammad Zafar Khan
, Manager Communications and Environmental Education
Contact: 0300-3495901
, email: zafar.hilbi@gmail.com





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