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News & Events

 Thatta, 23 June 2011:

Keenjhar Melo held

Thatta, June 23: Indus for All Programme, WWF-P organized a local festival at Fisheries Hall, Keenjhar Lake in Thatta district. The festival was attended by representatives of NGOs andCBOs, civil society members, writers, poets, singers, students and local community people.

Addressing the event, Programme Coordinator Indus for All Programme, Mr. Nasir Ali Panhwar said that through this festival we intended to convey message about environmental challenges encountered by Keenjhar Lake. He said that due to degradation various migratory birds which used to come and reside at Keenjhar Lake had vanished. He further said that pollution has increased in Lake, which has created a considerable number of problems for biodiversity. He said that the versatile and great poet of Sindh, Shah AbdulLatif Bhittai had also depicted the beauty of Keenjhar in his poetry and dedicated most of his poetry to nature. He also said that this site had remained source of inspiration and motivation for poets and writers of Sindh. He further said that Keenjhar Lake was our collective heritage so we must struggle to preserve it. He also said that knowledge about environment should not be limited to academicians but it should be disseminated to local communities which are directly linked to it.

Speaking to the media Mr. Whim Gizin, an external monitor from the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands said that this festival was very unique and interesting due to close intimacy of culture and nature. He further said that he enjoyed the Sindhi music, tableaus and speeches delivered by students regarding environmental challenges of Keenjhar.

Talking to media Mr. Rab Nawaz, Team Leader Indus for All Programme, said that solution of environmental problems was a long term process and with passage of time they were achieving positive results.

During the event students from nature clubs delivered speeches on environmental issues and presented tableaus on stage. Famous singers Balak Sindhi, Allah Dino Khaskaily, Hafiz Fazil Palari and Fakeer Murad Maganhar presented mystical songs which captivated the audience. Qadir Bux Mitho, a famous comic, also entertained the audience with interesting comics.

The prominent poets Mr. More Sagar, Mr. AbidSindhi, Mr. Ali Izhar, Mr. Zulfqar Shahani, Mr. Sarvech Sajavil, Ms. Marium Majeedi, Mr. Qavi, Mr. Aman Chandio, Mr. Ayaz Amar Sheikh and Mr. Ayaz Buriro read their poetry on nature and Keenjhar Lake .


For further Information:

Nasir Ali Panhwar
Programme Coordinator
Programme Management Unit - Karachi
+92-213- 4544791-2


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