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News & Events

23 March 2009

Grass Roots Level NGOS and CBOs Trained to Develop Project Proposal
A three-day training workshop on Project Proposal Development for the community members and other Partner Organizations of District Sanghar was organized   from 23   to 25 March 2009 in the programme implementation Unit at Sanghar.
                                                                                                                                                                  The training aimed to enable participants to develop project proposals under various grant programmes. The training focused on project cycle, stages of proposal development, concept and definition of monitoring and evaluation. Zahida Detho   facilitated   the training sessions. Twenty participants from different Communit Based Organisations(CBOs)/ Non Governmental Organisations(NGOs) of the district, including three females attended the workshop. 

Mr. Nasir Panhawar,Programme Coordinator, along with other programme staff attended the concluding ceremony and distributed certificates among the participants.         

Ms Zahida Detho, the resource person conducting a session

Untitled Document Publications