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News & Events

23 March 2009
Keenjhar Conservation and Information Centre
The Programme Join hands with Sindh Fisheries Department for Keenjhar Conservation Information Centre. 

WWF Pakistan’s Indus for All Programme signed a Terms of Partnership (ToP) agreement with the Livestock and Fisheries Department, Government of Sindh, to build a    Conservation and Information Centre at Keenjhar Lake Thatta. On behalf of Indus for All Programme, Mr. Nasir Ali Panhwar, Programme Coordinator signed the ToP while Mr. Ghulam Mujtaba Wadhar, Director Fisheries on behalf of the department.  Mr. Meer Mohammad Perhiar Secretary Fisheries & Livestock Department, Government of Sindh was also present on the occasion. He hoped that centre would go long way to educate and sensitize the visitors of the Lake about ecological significance of the area. He assured full support on behalf of the department.  The Programme Coordinator said that the centre would be established according to international standards and would include a display facility and environmental training centre.


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