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News & Events

Nawab Shah, April 22 ,2011

Earth Day observed at Pai


Nawab Shah April 22: Speakers have highlighted the need for environmental education to tackle growing challenges being faced by the earth today. They were speaking at ceremony organized by WWF’s Indus for All Programme to mark Earth Day at Sakrand. Speaking on the occasion, Programme Coordinator WWF Nasir Ali Panhwar said that unsustainable development and life style has affected natural resources. He said that balance of nature has to be maintained to avoid global warming and climate change. He added that sustainable society could be established through attitudinal and behavioral change towards use of natural resources for which environmental education would play an instrumental role. He said that inadequate economic and resource management, poverty, population growth, and overexploitation of natural resources are the major challenges for country. In addition, an unplanned increase in industrialization and urbanization has led to pollution in water, air, and land and consequently has played havoc with our surroundings. Writer Mohammad Siddque Mangio said that earth is mother and as its children, human being must take care of it. He said that deforestation is rampant in Sindh and as a result number of significant species has been lost. He said that unfortunately, young generation could not see various species of fauna and flora of Sindh, which is extinct now. He urged that government and civil society to play their role for combating various threats to the earth.

Rafique Jamali, Abdul Khalique Chandio, Zahid Dahrejo, Ayaz Ali, Mumtaz Rahoo, Rukhsana Memon and others also spoke. Students made speeches, presented tableaus highlighting the plight of earth and saving its vital resources. Shields were awarded to students, while large number of students and teachers attended the ceremony.




For further Information:

Nasir Ali Panhwar
Programme Coordinator
Programme Management Unit - Karachi
+92-213- 4544791-2


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