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News & Events

April 22, 2010:

Indus for All Programme marked Earth Day in Keti Bunder

Keti Bunder, April 22:  Indus for All Programme of WWF celebrated Earth Day 2010 in Keti Bunder marking its 40th anniversary. In this regard, a host of activities were organised with an aim to raise awareness about the challenges being faced by earth due to irresponsible behaviour of people towards it.

Speaking on the occasion Nasir Ali Panhwar, Programme Coordinator, Indus for All Programme said that Indus delta and adjacent landscapes, which once used to be highly productive both for nature itself and its people, have degraded to an alarming extent due to sea intrusion caused by acute shortage freshwater flow.”

The mangrove forests and mudflats in coastal area of the Keti Bunder have fallen victim to the sea intrusion, which has swallowed more than 200,000 acres of land, he remarked.

Reduced flow in the Indus River has played havoc with the Indus Delta and its ecology, he added. The situation is growing so alarming that now more and more fertile land of this part of earth is going under the sea,” he remarked. Mr. Panhwar, urged the participants to pledge on this earth day to play their role in to overcome the threats being faced by the earth and share this dilemma of our deltaic region with the world’s community.

Faseeh Zaman, Area Manager the Citizen Foundation said that the education can play vital role in developing responsible citizens to take care the earth. He said that students of rural areas have tremendous potential for growth provided they get the required opportunities.

Muhammad Zafar Khan, Manager Communications, Indus for All Programme, highlighted the theme of Earth Day 2010 and said that we should not plant tree ceremonially but must ensure that they are protected and grown.
Keti Bunder site manager, Hafeez, representatives of local community also spoke. The event was attended by hundreds of students and teachers of local schools and civil society organisations.

The children of different schools took part in various activities, which aimed at increasing their knowledge about environment, climate change and the adverse impact on earth. The activities included poster, drawing and 3D models competitions, in which they portrayed their sensitivity and creativity towards earth and understanding about its problems. Students also performed tablos, which proved a source of entertainment for the event participants.  Others also planted tree saplings to pay tribute to Earth. And, prizes were also distributed among those who outperformed all others in different competitions.


For further Information:

Nasir Ali Panhwar
, Programme Coordinator,
Indus for All Programme, WWF – Pakistan
Contact: 0300 3079491,

Muhammad Zafar Khan
, Manager Communications and Environmental Education
Contact: 0300-3495901
, email: zafar.hilbi@gmail.com





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