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News & Events

22 February 2008
World Wetlands Day Celebrations
WWF-Pakistan’s Indus for All Programme and the Pakistan Wetlands Programme jointly organized a variety of activities in Karachi to commemorate World Wetlands Day 2008.
More than 1600 schools of City District Government Karachi and four private schools of the city actively participated in the celebrations. The series of events focused on to achieve the following objectives:

• Pledge to conserve the unique and threatened ecosystems renewed;
• Awareness created among private and government school students and teachers about wetlands;
Through media involvement, general people are also sensitized by highlighting human activities that are harmful for wetlands;
• Theme for the World Wetlands Day 2008 “Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People” is highlighted and the emphasis on maintaining functioning ecosystems and human health is laid.

On 2 February 2008, the activities were concluded in a ceremony organized at WWFPakistan’s Wetlands Centre near Sandspit at Karachi Coast. The Consul General of United States in Karachi Kay L. Anske was the Chief Guest on the occasion. The event was attended by senior government officials, corporate members and a large number of media personnel. The following activities were held on the day:

Report :World Wetlands Day Celebrations
Wetlands Centre, Sandspit, Karachi
2 February 2008

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