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News & Events

June 18, 2010

Keenjhar Conservation Network formed

Thatta, June 18: The area coordination committee of CBOs working in Keenjhar Lake was formed. The purpose was to improve networking among nine CBOs, who are working closely with Indus for All Programme. The committee was named as Keenjhar Conservation Network.
The representatives of CBOs elected office bearers as follows:
President Irshad Ali Gandhro, Vice President Anees Hilayo,General Secretary Kamal Din Palari, Joint Secretary Abdul Rehman Gandhro, Press Secretary Naveed Keehar, Treasurer, Bachal Shah, Secretary Women Affairs Ms. Shazia,
The Working Committee includes Adam Gandhro, Abdul Raoof Palari, Abdul Hameed Palari, Razak Barach, Mohammad Hashim Gandhro, Nabi Bux Machi, Ali Nawaz Hilayo, Ume Kulsoom, Abdul Ghafoor. In next meeting, the network discuss about the bylaws, registration and meeting with different stakeholders of district for support in different areas for the improvement of livelihood.
The network will also bring new ideas regarding the livelihood development projects will be initiated in the partnership of CBOs under Indus for All Programme.
The Programme Coordinator Nasir Ali Panhwar, Programme Sociologist Shahzadi Tunio and Site Manager Zahid Jalbani in their remarks highlighted the role of network to address multiple challenges being faced by the Keenjhar Lake. They hoped that network would enable all CBOs to learn from each other’s experiences and improve networking.

For further Information:

Muhammad Zafar Khan
, Manager Communications and Environmental Education
Contact: 0300-3495901
, email: zafar.hilbi@gmail.com





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