Untitled Document

News & Events

17 June 2008

Journalists Exposure Visit to Keti Bunder:

On 17 June 2008 the Indus for All Programme organized an exposure visit for a group of the journalists, to Keti Bunder – one of the four Programme sites. The visiting journalists represented some of the prominent media Channels based at Karachi and the Press Clubs of District Thatta and Hyderabad . A total of 24 journalists attended the exposure trip. The purpose of the visit was to sensitize journalists about major environmental issues of the area through a hands-on experience and exposure. The visit also aimed at enhanced media coverage about the local environmental issues to raise public awareness and attention.

In this connection, the journalists were taken to village Babu Dablo, where they had an interaction with local communities. During the community interaction the journalists were informed by the locals about the environmental problems in the area especially the sea intrusion attributed to a reduction in flow of River Indus into the delta and destructions caused by cyclones. In addition, the journalists also came to know about the loss of livelihoods in the area due to the loss of agricultural lands, depletion of mangrove forests and decline in fisheries resources. The journalists were also briefed about the initiatives taken by the Indus for All Programme in the area. They also observed the on-going initiatives taken by the Programme such as installation of wind turbine to generate electricity. As a result, some stories and news clips were observed in the newspapers and TV channels, followed by the exposure visit.


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