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News & Events

June 14, 2010

Chotiari Conservation Forum established by community based organizations

Sanghar June 14: The area coordination committee of CBOs working in Chotiari was formed. The purpose was to improve networking among nine CBOs, who are working closely with Indus for All Programme. The committee was named as Chotiari Conservation Forum. After extensive discussion, the representatives of CBOs elected the office bearers of the forum. Abdul Majeed Mangrio Chairman, Ghulam Hussain Laghari, Vice Chairman, Wali Muhammad Kunbhar General Secretary, Ms. Ghori Baloch, Joint Secretary, Kandario Mallah, Treasurer. While members include Ali Hyder Mallah of Bakar Development Organization, Din Muhammad Umrani of Sukkar Village Development Organization, Muhammad Rahim Ibupoto of Goath Sudhar Sangat Akanwari , Muhammad Idrees Laghari of Awadh Development Organization. It was decided that the forum would highlight the challenges being faced by the Chotiari reservoir and its inhabitants. The forum would be registered under societies act. Speaking on the occasion, the Progrmme Coordinator Indus for All Programme, Nasir Ali Panhwar felicitated the office bearers of forum and hoped that forum would provide an opportunity to CBOs to enhance interaction and learn from each others experiences. He said that, Indus for All Programme has undertaken capacity building of CBOs to improve their performance. The Programme has undertaken several initiatives through partnership with the CBOs, which includes implementation of natural resource management plans and livelihood development plans. The programme sociologist Ms. Shahzadi Tunio and site manager Chotiari, Saleh Mangrio also spoke on the occasion.

For further Information:

Muhammad Zafar Khan
, Manager Communications and Environmental Education
Contact: 0300-3495901
, email: zafar.hilbi@gmail.com





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