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News & Events

13 October2011:

International day for natural disaster reduction obsereved

Nawab Shah:Speakers have emphasized that children and young people should be involved in reducing risk to disasters. They were speaking at seminar to mark international day for natural disaster reduction organized by Indus for All Programme WWF Pakistan. Speaking on the occasion the EDO Education Razi Khan Jamali said that relief camps were established in 634 schools in district. Though now IDPs are returning back but education has been suffered significantly, he added. He said that to cover education backlog duration of schools would be enhanced, while date of enrolment for board examination will also be advanced. He said that new concepts of disaster risk reduction need to be integrated into syllabus. Speaking on the occasion Programme Coordinator WWF Nasir Ali Panhwar said that as more and more people suffer from earthquakes, cyclones, floods, and other natural hazards, children are most affected because they have difficulties in coping with unexpected and painful interruptions to their lives. He added that 66.5 million children are affected annually by disasters. He said that it is imperative that children learn and practice disaster risk reduction from a young age, so that behavior change becomes embedded in their lives at an early stage. He said that child protection must be given priority, before, during and after a disaster, while schools must be safe and education must be uninterrupted. Dr. Nasir Leghari from Quide Awam University of Engineering & Technology said that most stakeholders are not proactive to disasters and they react only when disaster occurs. He said that there is need to change mind set and disaster risk reduction should be made integral part of planning process.

Site Manger WWF Pai Zafar Talpur said that due to anthropogenic interventions natural disasters are becoming more devastating. He said that rampant encroachment on natural flows of water has worsened the flood situation. District Manager HANDS Ikhtiar Tunio said that psychological and social impact of floods on children is colossal. Rajab Jalbani said that degradation of riverine forests has not only affected the ecological conditions but livelihood of local communities is also severely affected. Nisar Keerio, Qurban Shah, Nawaz Jamali and Mumtaz Rahoo also spoke.   



For further Information:

Nasir Ali Panhwar
Programme Coordinator
Programme Management Unit - Karachi
+92-213- 4544791-2


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