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News & Events

12 March 2009
 Community's Perception towards Climate Change Adaptation at Keti Bunder

Mr. Aneel Salman of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Newyark, led a survey from 12-15 March 2009, in Bhoori Village, Khobar Creek and Tippun Village, Hajamro Creek. The survey consisted of detailed    interviews about community's perception about climate change adaptation. Community members shared their experiences of extreme climatic events and prevalent copping strategies. They also raised concerns about increasing sea level, cyclone frequency and freshwater scarcity in the Indus Delta and their associated environmental problems such as  loss of livelihoods, water logging, salinity and degradation of natural resources i.e. mangrove forest and marine fisheries. The survey results would be helpful in designing community-based adaptation strategies for climate change in the area.

Mr. Aneel discussing with community representative -Keti bunder

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