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News & Events

December 12, 2009

IESC Visits Pai

Nawab Shah : The sub committee of Indus Ecoregion steering committee headed by the Secretary Forest and Wildlife Department Mushtaque Ali Memon visited the Pai Forest. The committee took stock of the various challenges being faced by the Forest including shortage of water, encroachment of forest area and watering points for wildlife. Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary Forest and Wildlife, Mushtaque Ali Memon said that there is complete ban on hunting and as a result population of Hog Deer in Pai has increased significantly.

The Secretary said that efforts would be made to operationalize all tube wells to ensure water. The committee was briefed by DFO Forest Zafar Wasan that the Pai was declared as Reserve Forest in 1883. He said that presently, 4646 acres are under administrative control of Forest Department. The Forest is abode of more than 100 wildlife species and more than 87 plant species. The DFO said that Rahib Shah minor is the main source of water supply to Pai Forest. The sanctioned discharge is 30 cusecs. Whereas, forest is getting five to eight
cusecs out of 30 cusecs. The Forest water courses are perennial but water supply is not ensured in the Kharief season. He added that due to shortage of water growth of existing vegetation, new plantation and habitat of wildlife is affected. Regarding encroachment, the DFO informed that 224 acres of Pai Forest has been encroached upon by land grabbers.

Executive Engineer Irrigation Department Aziz Junejo and Jehangir Sethena from Nespak informed the committee that Government of Sindh has launched project for lining of distributaries and minors. They said that under the project Rahib Shah minor has also been selected. While ten percent work has already been accomplished. They said that this would ensure water for Pai Forest. Usama Anwar of Indus for All Prgramme –WWF briefed the committee about various interventions including installation of bio gas plants and promoting best management practices to promote water efficiency and discourage use of pesticides.  The committee visited various parts of Forest and Rahib Shah minor.

The Regional Director WWF Dr. Ghulam Akbar, Deputy Conservator Wildlife Ghulam Sarwar Jamali, Director Livestock Dr Essa Mmeon, Dr. Altaf Abro, Rab Nawaz, Nasir Ali Panhwar, and others were also present on the occasion. It is pertinent to mention that Indus Ecoregion is amongst the forty priority eco regions of the world. The “Indus for All Programme” has been formulated by WWF – Pakistan to implement the first 5 years of the 50 years Vision of the Indus Ecoregion Programme.

For further information:

Muhammad Zafar Khan, Manager Communications and Environmental Education
Contact: 0300-3495901, email: zafar.hilbi@gmail.com

Badarunissa, Communication Officer.
Contact: 0312-3642817, arshi_mtunio@yahoo.com



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