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News & Events

June 12, 2010

Relief items distributed in Keti Bunder

Thatta, June 12: The Programme Coordinator Indus for All Programme of WWF Nasir Ali Panhwar has said that due to global warming and climate change recurrence of cyclone has increased and people of coastal areas have become more vulnerable. He was speaking to community of Keti Bunder, while delivering relief items. He said that recent cyclone, Phet has devastated 5,220 families alone in Keti Bunder coast in the four major creeks leaving them homeless. The storm has destroyed 500 thatched huts, while thousands has been damaged partially. In addition, boats, nets, other fishing paraphernalia and the boat water tanker, which was the only source of fresh water delivery in the creeks has also been affected. Panhwar said that WWF has mobilized support from international relief and development, which includes various items for the cyclone affected communities. He said that for long term permanent camps and elevated platform should be constructed along the coast of Sindh, where communities should be rescued. He said that disaster management should not be taken on an adhoc basis.

Representative of International relief and development, Ghulam Shabir Kori said that as an immediate response the organization in collaboration with WWF is supporting one thousand families of Thatta and Badin districts. He said that after relief activities efforts would be made to initiate development phase for the area. Site Manager Indus for All Programme WWF Keti Bunder Hafeezullah said that in Keti Bunder, Programme is working in 31 villages including 19 located in four creeks Chann, Hajamro, Khobar and Turshan. Various interventions such as solar panels have been installed in these villages. He said that communities were evacuated with the support of District Government Thatta, while international support has been mobilized to undertake relief activities. Zahid Jalbani site manager Keejhar said that non government sector was working in isolation for relief activities and in this regard forum of non government organizations engaged in disaster management been developed to supplement efforts and avoid duplication.

For further Information:

Muhammad Zafar Khan
, Manager Communications and Environmental Education
Contact: 0300-3495901
, email: zafar.hilbi@gmail.com





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