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News & Events

October 11, 2009

Alternate Energy Schemes inagurated at Keenjhar Lake

The Sindh Minster for Cooperation Department, Abdul Jalil Memon has stressed the need to work collectively to address growing environmental and energy related challenges in the country. He was speaking
at inauguration ceremony of wind turbines near Jhimpir installed by Global Development and Welfare Organization in collaboration with Partnership Fund of Indus for All Programme WWF Pakistan. He said that country is passing through worst energy crisis and government has initiated numerous initiatives to tackle the challenge including Thar coal project. The Minister said that Kohistan has huge potential of wind power generation and hoped that the provision of power at the household level through wind turbines would provide long awaited power to the villages. He urged the area people to ensure operation and maintenance, so that these turbines run for longer time to benefit them. He said that Kohistan is neglected area of the District. He announced that Thatta – Jhimpir road would be constructed soon, which is in horrible conditions. He lauded the efforts made by WWF for the conservation of Keenjhar Lake and providing alternate livelihood to people.

The Programme Coordinator Indus for All Programme WWF, Nasir Ali Panhwar said that communities of Keenjhar Lake are directly dependent on the natural resources and it is imperative that they should be provided alternate sources of livelihood, so that pressure on the depleting natural resources could be reduced. He said that biogas plants are being promoted in the area, which would have multiple impacts on the economy and ecology of the area, while byproduct of biogas would serve as environmental friendly fertilizer for the crops. He added that Programme under its small grants programme helping government, non government and academic organizations to implement innovative projects to conserve the biodiversity and improve livelihood of local communities.

Zahid Jalbani, Site Manager, Keenjhar Lake WWF said that under Indus for All Programme various initiatives of alternate energy schemes have been undertaken including eight solar units, one hybrid (wind-solar) and eight
biogas plants in the villages of the programme area. He informed that the shortly pen and cage culture will be introduced in the lake for the enhancement of fishing communities income.

Aftab Memon, President of Global Development & Welfare Organization welcomed the participants and briefed about the project objectives as well as its interventions. He said that under the project five wind turbines would be
installed with the capacity to produce three hundred watts power. Qadir Palari, Razak Barach, Aftab Memon, Khalid Memon Mehboob Brohi, Ahmed Palari and others also spoke on the occasion. Later the Minister inaugurated biogas
plant in village Sukhi Aatho installed by Indus for All Programme of WWF. He was briefed about the design of plant and its various benefits.



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