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News & Events

December 09, 2009

Call for rehabilitation of Jubho Lake stressed

Thatta Dec 9: The speakers at the stakeholders seminar on rehabilitation of Jubho wetland have called for immediate release of water to avert the human and ecological crisis. They said that people of delta are facing twin menace including sea intrusion and lack of fresh water. The seminar was organized by Sindh Rural Support Programme in collaboration with Indus for All Programme of WWF Pakistan at Jati town, district Thatta. Speaking on the occasion, water expert from Sindh Rural Support Programme Prof. Mushtaque Mirani said that non availability of water in Jubho has degraded the Lake and numerous birds, fish and plant species has been disappeared. He said that the Lake used to provide livelihood to surrounding villages primarily through fisheries. Prof. Mirani said that non release of water in Indus delta has affected the ecology as a whole and as a result poverty has increased in Thatta and Badin districts. He said that efforts are being made to link the communities with other organizations, who are engaged in service provision. The Programme Coordinator Indus for All Programme-WWF Nasir Ali Panhwar said that wetlands are not on the priority of water managers in the country. He said that despite the signatory of Ramsar convention, wetlands have not been able to get attention of policy makers. There is no single organization, which caters to the management of wetlands. He said that wetlands in general and Ramsar sites in particular have been degraded. He suggested that management plan for Jubho and Nariri wetland complex may be developed and water for rehabilitation may be ensured. He said that drastic reduction of migratory birds is attributed to degradation of habitat, which can only be rehabilitated with the availability of water and addressing increasing pollution by sugar mills and other untreated effluents. Zahid Ishaque Soomro said that seven Lakes have potential of rehabilitation out of 23 major Lakes in the area. He said that most of communities have migrated and remaining are deprived of drinking water and other basic amentias. Nawaz Shaikh said that due to increasing poverty, people of the area have developed psychological ailments. Khuwaja Baksh Ali Shad said that Pinyari canal is highly polluted by domestic and industrial effluent of Hyderabad, which is causing havoc with the lives of people and wildlife species. He said that provision of water is most pressing need of the area. Noor Mohammad Tahemore said that due to cyclones and sea intrusion the land has lost productivity and grazing pastures have vanished. Ghulam Abbas Malkani, Wali Mohammad Jat, Azeem Rind, Fakhira Abro, Ashfaque Memon and others also spoke.

For further information:

Muhammad Zafar Khan, Manager Communications and Environmental Education
Contact: 0300-3495901, email: zafar.hilbi@gmail.com

Badarunissa, Communication Officer.
Contact: 0312-3642817, arshi_mtunio@yahoo.com



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