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News & Events

07 May 2009
Master Trainers Training in Environmental Education in District Thatta

Environmental Education is a major outcome under Indus For All Programme for which many intervention are to be carried out. In this regard training of teachers in Environmental Education is the most important. This will help build the capacity of school teachers in delivering environmental education to the students. The mass capacity building programme for school teachers started in this year. In which Master Trainers (MTs) are developed in district Thatta.

Indus For All programme, WWF-Pakistan organized Masters Trainers Training in Environmental Education on 03-07 May 2009 at SAFWCO Training Unit Hyderabad with the Collaboration of District Education department thatta. Total 22 teachers from Government and Private Schools including 08 female and 14 male participated in the training. Participants included Principals, HSTs, JSTs, PSTs and SPE. Mr Qamar Shahid siddiqui was the lead facilitator, although Mr. Shahid Hussain Mughal and Mr. Mohammad Zafar Khan was the Co-facilitator of that training.

Training was inaugurated by Ms. Farheen Mughal, MPA Sindh Assembly. Where as Mr. Nasir Ali Panhwar, Programme Coordinator, Mr. A. M. Aslam Jarwar Site manager Keenjhar Lake and Mr. zahid Hussain Jalbani Site manager Keti Bundar were also participated from Indus for all Programme, WWF-P and encourage the trainess.

In this five days capacity building event trainers proceed the sessions in interactive way. Different methodologies like presentations, group work, discussion, demonstrations, role play and field visit were the part of training.

One of the interested part of training was to prepare Lesson Plans for the different subject for the environmental education in the class. Participants prepared very interesting and knowledge delivering lesson Plans.
In field visit all trainees visited Miani Forest and collect the data about the biodiversity of forest and various pressure which effecting the ecosystem of forest.

In the last day participants made Action Plans for the activities of Nature Clubs in the schools. It was observed that School Assembly is the best platform for sharing information about the environment among the students.

At last day certificates were distributed to the participants for their active participation and training achievements.

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