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News & Events

June 05, 2010

Pai Nature Festival held in Nawabshah to commemorate the World Environment Day 2010

KNawabshah, 05 June 2010: Hundreds of people, including school children, thronged to Pai Nature Festival, organized in District Shaheed Benazirabad, Sindh to mark the World Environment Day-2010. Held in D.C High School, Nawabshah, the event included a mix of informative and entertaining activities, which proved to be useful in educating and sensitising the masses, especially school children on various environmental issues.

 WWF-Pakistan’s Indus for All Programme in collaboration with the District Government Shaheed Benazirabad, Nawabshah, Nawabshah Youth Organization, Bank Al-Habib Limited, UBL Bank, Habib Sugar Mills, and Sachal FM 105 organized this event. This year’s event was designated as Pai Nature Festival-2010 to raise public awareness about environmental issues in general and issues faced by Pai Forest, in particular.

A large number of schools and their students took part in the Carnival by preparing 3D models reflecting various themes such as animals and plants of the Indus ecoregion, Industrial Pollution, Wetlands, Alternate Energy Resources and Global Warming. The main point of attraction was the competition among student in preparing their exhibits on the given themes. Besides the contesting students, an estimated 1,000 to 1,500 individuals visited the festival.

Among the dignitaries attending the Carnival included the Vice Chancellor Quaid-e-Awam University of Science and Technology (QUEST), EDO Revenue and Education Shaheed Benazirabad, Officials of various government departments, banks and representatives of media, youth groups and Community Based Organizations.

While speaking on the occasion the honourable guests appreciated the students for their efforts in understanding and portraying various environmental concepts. They also applauded WWF Pakistan and other supporting agencies for organizing such an impressive and healthy learning event. Shields and prizes were distributed among the winners and runners up at the end of the day.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is a non-profit organisation working internationally for the conservation of nature and environment. Within Pakistan it has an extensive network, and has been actively involved in nature conservation since 1971. To help sustain its conservation and environmental educational initiatives, WWF frequently organises special events & run projects for conservation of natural resources.

Indus for All Programme, is one of the major initiatives of WWF in Pakistan. The Programme aims to conserve natural resources in the lower Indus basin by improving livelihoods of the local communities. Pai Forest is one of the four priority areas of the Indus for All Programme. It is a remnant of the famous riverine forests in Sindh. Due to lack of freshwater flow in the River Indus the forest patch has now turned into an irrigated plantation. The forest provides habitat to unique wildlife species such as Hog deer and Grey partridge. Local communities living in surrounding areas depend for the forest’s resources for their livelihoods. Conservation of this forest is crucial for survival of numerous wildlife species and dependant communities.



For further Information:

Muhammad Zafar Khan
, Manager Communications and Environmental Education
Contact: 0300-3495901
, email: zafar.hilbi@gmail.com





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