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News & Events

5 June 2008
World Environment Day Celebrations:

The Programme Implementation Unit at Keenjhar Lake organized an inter-school poster competition in district Thatta to commemorate the World Environment Day on 5 June 2008. The theme of the poster competition was “How do I see the Keenjhar Lake”. More than 200 students from 30 schools of the District Thatta took part in the competition. The event took place in Fisheries Hall at Keenjhar Lake. The concluding ceremony was attended by a large number of participants including students and teacher, members of civil society and community-based organizations of the district, government official and media representatives.

Ms. Humaira Alvani, member Sindh Provincial Assembly attended the event as the Chief Guest. She distributed the Indus for All Programme’s shields to the winning students who achieved the first, second and third prizes in the primary and secondary sections. Speaking on the occasion Ms. Alvani showed her strong political will to conserve the unique biodiversity of the Indus ecoregion including mangroves and fisheries resources. She highlighted the issues associated with the lack of freshwater flow in the Indus delta. She assured the public to take up the issue in the Sindh Assembly to ensure the flow of water into the delta as agreed under Water Accord 1991.


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