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News & Events

03 January 2009:
Annual Networking and Planning Meeting with Stakeholders

Hyderabad: The second Annual Hyderabad: Programme Review and Networking meeting of the Indus for All Programme was held. The meeting was intended to review the Programme’s performance during January – December 2008, share the work plan for 2009 and reintroduce WWF-Pakistan’s Partnership Fund to the stakeholders. Programme staff led by the Programme Coordinator Nasir Ali Panhwar gave brief presentations on the Programme, its progress during 2008, and the work plan for 2009. In addition, meeting also provided the participants with the opportunity to participate in open discussion during which they posed questions and made suggestions to improve the Programme.

As many as 148 participants including 1 member of the Sindh Assembly, 10 officials from three districts and provincial government departments, 4 professionals from academia, representatives from local, provincial, national and international NGOs along with the Programme staff attended the event. Sindh University Vice Chancellor, Mr. Mazhar-ul-Haq Siddiqui was the Chief Guest on the occasion while Ms. Humaira Alwani, MPA Sindh, attended the meeting as a special guest.


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