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News & Events

02 December 2011:

Call for effective measures to curb environmental degradation

  Hyderabad, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) under its Indus for All Programme organized two days training workshop on environmental indicators. The workshop aimed to build the capacity of government officials. Highlighting the need of development of environmental indicators in the major themes including fisheries, agriculture, livestock, forest and education, speakers said that awareness should be created among people about their significance to protect the environment and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change.
Speaking at the closing session National Coordinator, small grants programme UNDP Masood Ahmed Lohar said that country is in state of emergency with regard to environment and next ten years are critical. He said that due to environmental degradation Rs. one billion is lost every day in the country.  He added that capacity building is a major step towards strengthening the institutions. He said that government officials can play vital role in taking effective steps to curb environmental degradation.
He further said that unprecedented flood of 2010 and rains of 2011 are the vital indicator of climate change. He said that increasing use of pesticides has destroyed the biodiversity and many species of fauna and flora have vanished. Mr. Lohar said that discharge of untreated waste water in river and fresh water bodies needs to be stopped. He cited examples of other countries, who are taking measures for nature conservation.
Programme Coordinator WWF, Nasir Ali Panhwar said that due to acute shortage of data on environmental  degradation damage to nature is not taken into account, while development of policies and plans. He said that economic, demographic societal development and corresponding changes in lifestyle is resulting into environmental pressures.  He said that all stakeholders should come forward to provide credible data for research through coherent approach. Mr. Panhwar added that being a regulatory agency, environmental protection agency needs to be strengthened to ensure enforcement of environmental laws.  He said that raising public awareness for environmental indicators is imperative. 
He said that five year Indus for All Programme aims to conserve the rich biological diversity of Indus Ecoregion through livelihood improvement of the local communities. He said that capacity building of government officials is vital part of the Programme.  He further noted that all stakeholders should strive for conservation of natural resources of Sindh, which are depleting at fast pace.    
Resource persons Ibad-ur Rahman and Tufail Ali Zubaidi from National Environment Consultants said that population growth and development needs are primary driving forces, which exert pressure on the environment.
During the training, various environmental themes were discussed including types, significance of environmental indicators and framework for development of environmental indicators. Participants were of the view that deforestation is on rise and various migratory birds have disappeared in the region. Wetlands are also decreasing in the province.  Participants stressed on the need of urgent measures to address the degrading environmental situation in Sindh. 
The training was attended by EDOs from three districts Shaheed Benziarabad, Thatta and Sanghar and participants included Imamuddin Khoso, Imtiaz Ahmed Mangi, Ghulam Rasool Keerio,  Zulfqar Ali Larik, Mujeeb-ur-Rahman, Usama Anwar,  Dr. Manzoor Ali Rajput,  Vikyo Chohan, Qaisar Ali Jatoi , Dr. Hadi Bux, Dr. Muhmammad Usman Memon, Bilqees Khatti, Kubra Mangrio Shumaila Imtiaz and others.


For further Information:

Nasir Ali Panhwar
Programme Coordinator
Programme Management Unit - Karachi
+92-213- 4544791-2


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