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News & Events

October 02, 2009

AHAN and WWF Signed MoU for Promoting Sustainable Livelihood.

Karachi. World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF) Pakistan and  Aik Hunar Aik Nagar (AHAN) Sindh   signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aiming at   mutual technical and institutional support for the sustainable livelihood activities in    Sindh Province.  AHAN is a public limited not for profit Company (under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance1948) of Ministry of Special Initiatives, Government of Pakistan and a Subsidiary of Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC), where as WWF-Pakistan is the country’s one of the largest independent conservation organizations committed to conserve nature and ecological processes.

Under this MoU AHAN would provide technical assistance to the women artisans initially at Indus for All Programme’s two priority sites, Pai Forest in District Shaheed Benazirabad and Chotiari Reservoir in District Sanghar. The MoU was signed by Nasir Ali Panhawar, Programme Coordinator, and Indus for All Programme and Shakeel Abro, Regional Manager, AHAN, Sindh.   Shahzadi Tunio, Programme Sociologist, Badarunissa, Communication Officer, Indus for All Programme and Mr. Kashif, AHAN was present on the occasion. 

Speaking on the occasion, Nasir Ali Pahnwar hoped that collaboration between two organizations for information sharing, capacity building and exposure of artisans, and organizing marketing activities would improve livelihoods of the poor artisans. These communities are depending on natural resources, which are depleting at fast pace, leaving fewer options of livelihood for local communities. This collaboration would create alternate livelihood opportunities which ultimately lessen the burden on natural resources. Mr. Shakeel Abro said that there is need to develop linkages of the poor artisan with market and equip them with the changing fashion trends and market needs. He further said that AHAN would build capacity of the women artisans, to enhance their skills and promotes through linking them with different outlets at Metropolitan cities like Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad which can open windows of opportunities for the artisans and improve their earnings.  



For further information:
Muhammad Zafar Khan, Manager Communications and Environmental Education
Contact: 0300 3495901, email: zafar.hilbi@gmail.com

Badarunissa, Communication Officer.
Contact:  03123642817, arshi_mtunio@yahoo.com



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